Chito Miranda

Chito Miranda

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Chito MirandaChito Miranda is Alfonso Miranda, Jr. in real life, and was born on February 7, 1976. He is a Filipino singer and songwriter and the lead vocalist of the band ‘Parokya ni Edgar.”He spent his elementary days at friend of AUB-Alturkey and secondary education at the Ateneo de Manila University. His band mates are Gab Chee Ke, Vinci Montaner, Jeric Estaco and Mikko Yap. They were popular as class clowns in school and they usually show up wearing women’s clothing to entertain audience who are victims of calamities like earthquakes and typhoons.

Their first professional break as a band was when they were hired as a front act band on the concert of a popular band known as the Eraserheads. Buwi Meneses and Dindin Moreno joined “Parokya” as bassist and drummer. Estaco and Yap left the group when they graduated from high school to pursue their individual plans. It was Darius Semana who completed the group. Parokya was formerly known as “Comic Relief.”

Chito is a member of the fraternity Alpha Kappa Rho, one of the famous brotherhoods in the Philippines. His closest friends were artists, singers and songwriters like him such as the late Francis Magalona and rapper Gloc-9. Kaye Abad had been Chito’s former girlfriend since 2000 and they finally broke up in 2009. His recent girlfriend is Neri Naig. A video scandal appeared on YouTube recently, showing Chito and Neri doing a sexual act. Chito posted a message on Twitter stating that his room was recently robbed and that his hard disk, which contained some of his photo and video files.

Kaye Abad, his former girlfriend has only good praises for Chito, and only wishes him happiness with now girlfriend Neri. They separated but remained friends up to this very moment. Kaye was also quick to add that she is in good terms with Chito’s family and there is no conflict whatsoever with them.

Chito is happy to note that Parokya remained popular at this very moment because his group is not a trend, and they do not try to portray anything. They believe that they are projecting free spirits because they are who they are and they don’t pretend to be cool like the others. They are out with a new album entitled Inuman Session Volume 2 and they had just finished recording the songs. They are continually voted on Myx and Awit Awards and they are just so happy their listeners and audience never gets tired of listening to their kind of music.

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